Find A Retailer

Available to buy now in the UK via the below retailers:

Patching's Art Centre

Oxton Road
NG14 6NU
United Kingdom
0115 9653479

AP Fitzpatrick Fine Art Materials

142 Cambridge Heath Road
London, E1 5QJ
(+44) 020 7790 0884

Every Color

Den Hoeff 1 
2865 XR Ammerstol

+31 (0)617772021

Looking to become a Retailer?

We’re always looking for passionate retailers who are interested in selling our range of artist materials.

If you are interested in becoming an authorised Jackman’s Art Materials retailer/buying wholesale you must have at least the following to qualify:

  • Bricks & mortar store or an online store.
  • A website, Facebook page and/or Instagram account so we can assess your store

To register please email: