Jackman's Art Materials Blog

Gum Arabic Solution

Posted by Marc Jackman on

Used in the binder for Watercolour paints, it’s also available to buy as a separate solution and can be used to improve the transparency and gloss of the watercolour, it can also be used to slow the drying time and can also be used for controlling spread when painting wet-on-wet Professional Artist Michele Webber’s YouTube video: 8 Clever Gum Arabic Tricks (For Watercolor!) explains some very useful tips and trick for this medium It can be bought and used to make your own watercolour paints (with a few axillary materials) but be aware that all manufactures will have a slightly...

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Pigments and Dyes

Posted by Marc Jackman on

Colourants can be classified into two categories: Pigments & Dyes Pigments Pigments are solid, decorative materials in the form of small discrete particles that are insoluble in the medium in which they are applied to, they can be inorganic or organic and are coloured, black or white materials which are practically insoluble and are suspended within a medium. Since they are suspended in the binder the physical condition of the particles is hugely important, this is why manufactures rigidly control production conditions to ensure uniformity within each production batch as the smallest change can drastically affect the shade and strength...

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Ultramarine Pigments in depth

Posted by Marc Jackman on

Ultramarine is a deep blue color pigment which was originally made by grinding lapis lazuli into a powder.

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The Hegman Gauge

Posted by Marc Jackman on

Determining the fineness of a watercolour's grind is important, because too coarse a grind may reduce the paint's color uniformity, gloss, and opacity.

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Micronised Red Oxide Pigments

Posted by Marc Jackman on

Why do Red Oxides differ between manufacture even when the same pigment is used?

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